Mini Shot Basketball version 3 is now available.
Key Changes
Major version upgrade to 3.0
New more realistic ball physics.
New higher-res graphics.
Improved sound effects.
Google Play Leaderboards.
Air Hockey Championship Updated to version 1.2
New – Support for Hi Resolution Screen devices like Tablets.
Improved – Mallet to puck striking physics.
Fingerprint Scanner has reached the 10,000 download mark. Thanks to all who purchased our apps and to the Android Market. Next marker 50,000.
Updated Aliens vs, President to version 1.6
Added Multi-touch support for devices running Android 2.0 or greater. New virtual joystick to control president’s movements. Minor bugs fixes.
Updated Fingerprint Scanner to version 1.3.8
Improved inputing of individual information in to FBI database. Plus other improvements.
Mini Shot has been updated to version 1.3
New Shot Assist option allows you to remove CPU assistance when shooting. Giving you more control over the power and angles.
Mini Shot Basketball hits the 10,000 download mark. Thanks to all who purchased our apps and to the Android Market. Next stop 50,000.